Bad Girls!

How wild are you? Grrrl!

How are you wild:

gale, hurricane, tornado,

earthquake, tsunami, volcano?

Uppity, aggressive, abrasive, angry,

bitchy, witchy, merely itchy?

In a snit fit, bossy, hussy, hissy,

manic-depressive, bi-polar, bi-coastal,

expressive, postal, out-of-control,

controlling, rock 'n' rollin,'

mystical, mischievous, merely a poet?

Politically correct, a-political,

a-moral, immoral, a know-it-all?

Unmarried, unwomanly, suggestive ,

balls-bustin', ballsy, brainy, gutsy,

frigid, rigid (Bridget?)

Anybody's, nobody's,

ugly, weird, or just gay?

Cronish, crochety, cranky, crazy,

split-personality, visionary,

multiple, culpable,

dangerous, certifiable, funny, strange?


Or are you wild like a yellow ladies-slipper,

like dripping honey-in-a tree,

like a never-before, never-again

gnarled apple tree,

like a key-lime Luna moth,

like an indigo bunting spouse-hunting,

like a snipe

wing-calling in lofty mating dance,

like the queen of ants,

like a pale pink pine-sap growing sunless,

or topless,

like a huge sun-fish lolling?

Are you wild like She is:

self-defining, free,

unnameable, unpredictable, creative,

fragile yet enduring, immodest goddess,

full of surprises, wise-ass, wizened, wise?

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018