
I dance benign with skirt of snakes,

shedding skins, promising rebirth.

I Am the ancient Mexican Moon Goddess

the dismembered, the broken,

the forgotten One.

Men say My war-god brother

cut Me into pieces

and threw Me down from a mountain-top.

But I have always been all-present:

at the horizon, and at the zenith

rising and setting,

crescent, full, and dark

waxing and waning

creative and self-cleansing.

I dive into sea and earth and dark,

and rise reborn,

one side always hidden from view.

My face is bright,

yet marked by shadows.

My changing shapes

are pieces of a comforting

puzzle of renewal

hiding in your hearts,

pulling on your watery

cells and brains and wombs,

--sisters and brothers--

waiting for you to re-member,

biding till you find Me Whole.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018