
I believe the universe tumbles safe,

becoming, emergent, in Her cosmic womb.

Whose? Who dares to ask? Who cares?

I give thanks to Her,

the universal Womb-Bearer,

for the orchestration of gestation,

the harmony of all things,

for nurturance, for hope.

I believe the Source, Well-spring,

Sustainer, and Transformer,

Reality in Her wild yet balanced dance,

deserves all thanks. Sunrise,

first crescent moon a glimmer in the dark,

year’s spring and solstice, equinox,

the morning star rising reborn,

meteors, comets falling,

volcanoes erupting from earth’s fiery core,

candles, campfires, hearths, hope’s flame,

spiral forth, symbolizing life and growth,

all sprouting, growing, changing,

all individuality sacred,

Womban sacred: carrier of the Void,

whose depths give birth

to female and to male,

whose legs open,

in dancing courage and blood,

to welcome the present,

to give the future birth,

to heal the past,

whose breasts flow milk,


the One, with everyone who,

dancing, sings oracle of Mystery,

whose compassion opens to heal all pain.

I believe, beyond the wonder

of creating and sustaining,

the darkness of Her Transformation,

that we call pain and loss and death

deserves all thanks.

I believe the (w)hum(b)an race

thrived for eons, and can thrive again,

believing these humble, simple things.


There is Goddess work to be done,

the gardening and healing of the world,

respect for the untamed wild,

for Cosmic Mystery

burning at our core.

We recognize the beauty

of our fierce Mother in All.

There are relationships to explore

with every being,

harmony of voices!

These challenges, these joys,

are a rope of sand, a ‘Beauty Way.’

Each of us knows best

which path is ours, which choices.

This is no fundamentalism.

She is Reality, not realist.

She is clear ‘Yes!’

to the female, body, health,

earth and all life,

to sex, truth, freedom, fearlessness,

to perpetuating at its best

human being, natural being,

passing on these gifts:

respect for sex, choice, pregnancy,

birth, breast-feeding,

menstruation, menopause, aging, death

as sacraments, deserving awe.

We affirm diversity, individuality,

creativity, all species,

the senses, including

sense of humor, common sense.

We share our truth and wisdom

in old wives’ tales,

in art and dance and song,

We know we are all precious,

and in Her we all belong.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018