Delhi Winter Solstice

This old, old world, still going strong,

is good for another year.

Propitious moon growing

shines on the rough roof of the workshop

of the good poor folk who make

math learning toys (waterfall of creativity)

for poor children in Delhi (girls as well as boys!)

Tonight, we celebrate a ritual from Kerala, old as time:

painted mandala surrounding

a hearth of circled stone,

sweet cow dung fire centering,

ceremonial passing

of generous platters of simple food for the feast

over the fire for blessing,

then the full pot of uncooked rice

in cold water set to boil.

Ancient circle folk-dance,

the eldest first, teaching,

then younger, down to babes in arms,

steps evoking

planting, rain, weeding, harvesting, threshing,

clapping, raising arms and energy,

dancing faster and faster,

to make the 'watched pot' boil at last

'My cup runneth over!

Surely goodness and mercy (and plenty!)

shall follow me for ever...'

Lakshmi is Goddess of Abundance,

Anna Purna Goddess of Food.

‘What is Her name?’ I ask, ‘the goddess of this ritual?’

No name. No goddess.

Just an ordinary Hindi word

for a humble old rice pot boiling over,

to spill nurturing plenty, blessing enough

for all of us, everywhere,

to last a solar year.


Goddess behind the mask of night,

now in the darkness of the shadow,

we feel Your hidden power.

We sense the re-birthing of Your light.

Goddess emerge from Your long eclipse.

Shine in our hearts as wisdom and courage.

Illuminate within us the path to the future.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018