Destroyer of Illusion

Huddled in the ether,

vanquished, anguished,

they watched terrified as 'imps'

rampaged, multiplied, took over earth.

From each drop of demon blood

a new demon arose!

Be-fuddled be-heading,

upstart, shallow,

power-grabbing ‘gods’

despaired at winning war.

In uncaring thankless desperation

they called to Me, Red Devi,

and I came.

Eschewing their impotent violence,

in a burst of inspiration

(remembering to breathe)

I changed their game, became Black Kali.

Drinking spilt ‘demon’ blood,

I slurped and burped, solving the problem,

winning the ‘battle’ in My frenzy.


I lapped up their illusion, restoring calm.

Non-violent, not blood-thirsty,

to right the world

I cleaned up their man-made mess.

Men still fight their boring losing battle

with nature,

their own nature,

misunderstood ‘others,’

their brothers, mothers, demonized.

They become, in hate and greed and fear,

alienated from My saving, living power.

When you disrespect anything, ever,

you are looking into a mirror of fear,

refusing to face My Truth, your truth.

I Am Cosmos, eternal, infinite.

I Am Terra, Earth, womb of all life,

deserving awe and gratitude.

You are all My children. If you want to thank Me,

do not demonize or terrorize each other!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018