Dragon of Clouds

Peer into a hole in that grey lace,

uncertain place to stand,

then understand!

I know your cloud is riven, bereft,

Gaze into Grace:

bright eyes that mirror skies, that open into space,

into that mouth, that maw, My face.

(You've tumbled safe in that dark womb before!)

Now what's in store?

Fall into My deep well that you call hell

(well-spring of well-being)

through My black hole that you call soul,

a door into the nether world, fertile, unseeing,

that pit where truth and hope have fallen away.

Follow them into Me!

Dive fearlessly through night

into a brighter day of sanity.

You will fall like Eve from the man-made garden,

begging no pardon.

Clutch only what is real. Save only what you feel,

those fragments that are All (All My Relations!)

Sing as you plummet,

down through the ozone thinning,

a song of new beginning.

I wish upon the falling star of you:

you'll find a place that's true, to stand anew.

Root your feet in the earth.

Open to your, to our, true worth,

startled by the beauty of it all, after the fall.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018