
Goddess of Chaos,

I Am not merely mistress of Confusion.

I find, define that fine line

dividing life and death,

and hover there,

in the space between breaths,

where anything is possible,

the void of inner space,

where all the bets are off,

where rules don't rule.

I Am free will

you can't predict, control:

flick of the wrist, flip of a coin, blink of an eye,

Watch Me wiggle, Cosmic Dancer,

balanced on the head of a wobbly pin,

Guess! Which way will I flow? Watch Me go!

How to synch, when thinking doesn't help,

when every wink, when every moment is

risky and unique, experience's peak!

I Am a roller coaster ride,

tumbling hope, a whirling pearl inside.

All of My followers get lost, nowhere to hide.

They wish they'd chosen Love instead, or Beauty.

I'm the wild card, erratic, errant, irresistible.

Erotic Eros is My twin. All-seeing Iris is My sister.

He mirrors delight.

She breaks up light into a rainbow's promise.

I smash all destiny into freedom’s fountain.


I Am the dynamo of Gynergy.

Lost in finitude, you strain your sight,

hoping beyond hope to stare past death

into the pupil of My celestial eye,

dilating stroboscopic in the rhythm of breath.

I Am Transformer!  I Am the Gate

through which you gain the mystery of reality.

You are born out of My womb of mystery

and you die into the embrace

of My womb of mystery.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018