
She could have 4 legs; She could be 4-armed

(fore-warned, fore-sworn),

4 eyes, 4 breasts (fore-play!)

Formidable! Forever!

(Let’s not picture Her forgetting, forsaking

forbidding, forcing, fornicating,

graven foreign in our twisted image.)

Fore-bearer, forbearing, forgiving,

She is for our being, 4-legged stool,

birthing seat of power, center of balance,

source of all respect.

She is Medicine Wheel and Shield:

4 colors, winds, directions, power totems,

(all my relations!) the 4-phased moon,

4 quarters of a round mandala,

4-sided pyramid of crystal Mystery, 4 suits, clover lucky,

on fortuitous Fortuna’s spinning wheel.

Or better yet: remember

before 4: more true than two: once, and soon, now,

She is Three, cycling, One Whole:

Dynamic Trinity of Change.


Before men were rabbis (masters)

Womben were Rabbatu (Mystery! O Moon!)

Early, before 9 men made Jewish minion,

forbidding womben to kiss the womb/tomb torah,

13 menstrual moons guiding them yearly,

13 womben wove a coven

praising Anna Perenna, River of Time

kissing the Self held-open cunt of Sheila-na-gig,

at the sacred doorway of the womb-shrine..

Don't waste the moonlight!

Catch it in a scrying bowl of pure spring water.

You and I, and any gal better than the gatepost,

we three, sacred trinity:

can catch this moment,

opening in joy and celebration,

to share Her cosmic breath!

© Tamara Rasmussen 201