Ganges and Yamuna

1. Waxing Crescent Virgins

We are the sacred rivers: Ganges and Yamuna,

twin sisters.

Our white marble statues stand, larger than human life,

graceful in stone saris, in the Delhi museum,

guardian water creatures at Our feet.

We pour out jugs of hope and beauty,

never-ending streams of spiritual renewal.

2. Full Moon Mothers

We are Ganges and Yamuna,

life-giving rivers of abundance,

saris of flowing blessings

garlanding the body of the land with plenty.

We accept prayer's ablutions, tears,

juices of passion, songs, dance,

waters of birth, ashes of death.

We accept these and marigold petals,

as thanks.

3. 'Fallen' Waning Crescents

We are Ganges and Yamuna,

befouled, withered, wasted.

Peer with shame

into Our vanishing waters!

Pollution mocks

Our sacred powers of renewal.

Where are Our disappeared,

water-wombed daughters,

Our fierce guardians?

Remember and reclaim

Saraswati, underground, our third sister,

lost river of womben’s hidden,

creative blood.

Open to enter again

into Her cleansing, dreaming stream.

4. Dark Moon Crones

We are twin tips

of the forked red tongue

of the white cobra snake

that churns the future's river of milk,

twin heads of the white crocodile of Karma.

You mock Us at your peril.

We are Many-armed All-Givers,

Our moon faces self-mirroring,

yearning, and turning Change.

Scry wisdom in Our ever-flowing,

lost, forgotten river of Truth.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018stone