Heart Waves

An ocean wave now wildly heaving,

with inner turmoil boiling, seething,

with fearful undulations weaving,

breathing the mystery of life.

Then shall we fear the sea

and shall we fear our fate

and shall we rue the hours that die,

too late, always too late?

No! Let us join our hands

and dance to the faint melody of love

whispering in wind and sea,

and deep below our breath,

pulsing a song of hope

through our lives

and past our death!


All our lives so brief, so weak,

falling against eternal shores

in what pattern, each to our part?

Against rocks of time

our blood flows:

our family in waves,

keeping time in love

with an ever more human heart.


(The golden head of

Lord Ganesh, beloved

elephant-headed god of India,

protector of homes and womben,

is displayed in India

on a heart-shaped Sacred Basil Tulsi leaf,

doorway amulet touched for blessings.)


Great big Elephant ears,

Japanese Knot-weed,

‘invasive species.’

These plants make thickets

by the road.

I will use your round

heart-shaped leaves

as ‘baskets’

for our father’s ashes.

We’ll toss them ceremonially

into the sea.

I’ll pluck fifty perfect ones

to make our ‘boats.’

A beach stone

and some ashes sprinkled,

will float tossed on the waves,

long enough

to carry our circle’s

songs and tales of love

organically to sea, and deep within.


our hearts hold safe

Donald's belov’d




a gift of gems:

small garnets from a broken necklace:

“make something for the twins.”

My girls, dark jewels

given into my love for keeping,

gift to the future,

mending the broken circle of the past.

I will make of myself a setting

in which each of you

may grow into a beauty of your own.


There’s not much ‘gap’ on grandma’s lap

but in the space between the generations

there’s room for winds of change to blow---

new combinations,

space for the future’s laughing face to grow,

room on my knee for sanity.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018