Hekate Calls to Demeter: Waning Moon

Come old girl! This is no tragedy!

Witches, we have turned the year’s wheel.

Now we can celebrate!

At last we're free to run away together.

We have watched and waited for ticking time

to ripen in our wombs.

Now it falls into our hairy laps, tickling,

over-ripe, become sweet wine.

Let's whirl like the wind together!

Let's reap the whirl-wind we have sown.

My skirts are in a flap about you!

Laugh at my two juicy mouths!

Your spicy wisdom makes them both water!

You know I have always loved you!

Dancing Crony!

No springtime girl could take your place!

Let's roll in the dying leaves like party-colored clowns.

Our sparks will set the bon-fires burning!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018