Hekate Calls to Persephone: Waning Moon

Come to me, daughter, sister, love!

Secret black mother within, I call to you!

I am your deepest self, your deepest home

and you can never be whole until you find me!

You can never know yourself

until you know that we are one.

Open to my power which will be yours! 

I am as near as your shadow,

as intimate as the dreams of night

writhing in your bed.

Too long have you dallied

in the bright land of illusion,

full of striving, empty of vision.

Turn your back on Demeter’s full-moon dominance.

Let go! 

Follow the waning of your sliver of light

into my darkness.

Lose yourself in me to find your Self! 

Dive into my dark flame of renewal

burning authentic at the center of your being.

Fall into my embrace and love yourself!

Light your torch from the fiery core of the earth.

Sweet crescent! 

Hold my dark moon in your arms!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018