
Helen's beauty launched

a thousand ships to fight a war!

One Chinese emperor sent huge boats,

a fleet to explore the world;

another called them home to burn ashore.

We launch our children like frail boats of leaves

into life's stream. We drown in worry,

as they burn their bridges, disappear from sight.

Generations spiral in love,

energy flowing both ways at once.

Salmon swim upstream to spawn!

Heart-strings in fragile weaving catch the dream.

Grandmother Spider re-creates the world.

The Moon's boat disappears from view,

and rises on the waves of dark anew,

both Change and Balance true.


We are at nadir now in wisdom’s ebb.

Violence is child’s play, addiction,

rote, hard-wired, video game.

Who will teach them how to praise with joy,

to regain lost balance, self-respect,

honoring Her harvest of blessings,

sometimes in disguise,

flowing, re-birthing,

from Her hairy sex,

from between Her bloody thighs,

pubic triangle, trinity of dignity

(scarlet harlot we now call the ‘dregs,’

woman who begs.)

Honor the gate of life,

black hole of Virgin Origin,

framed glorious between Her

dancing legs.



have always been Her sacred sites,

mystery deeper than all heights.

She is the Source of all delights.

Gratitude starts

where all of us begin:

we dwell

within well-being’s well,

inside the Sacred Feminine.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018