
I Am Ishtar, Love Tara,

Goddess voluptuous.

My moon rabbit hatches

the egg of spring!

Inanna (goddess grandmother)

Crescent Journeyer,

Venus, Morning Star

that falls and shines again,

I give hope beyond death.

Sun rising in the East,

Eos the dawn, Eostara,

(estrus and estrogen,

hysteria and hysterectomy)

Hester, Esther, Ashley,

I Am Easter, bringing renewal,

Hestia, inner flame of authenticity.

I Am Asherah,

deathless Tree of Life.


Let Me rise from ashes

once again within you.

Let Me flow like sweet sap.

Let this dead crucifix

of man-made pain and fear

you call your world

bloom! (Ashe.)

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018