Kalima (Snake Mother)

I comb, I sweep the cosmos' elastic edge

to gather in: everything lost, to weave it in again,

to braid three threads of energy (red/white/black)

to coil it back. 

Cold-blooded, at home in the depths,

fanged and venomous, gentle and peaceful,

graceful and sensuous.

Oceanus, Uraeus, Ouroborus, Sea-Serpent, Snake:

I gird the world, unending Renewal, encircling All.

I wreath Myself, snake’s tail in mouth,

My cycles writhe, endless,

peace sign, infinity sign, eternal in design,

primal symbol of Wholeness,

unbroken circuit of Energy.

My timeless Spiral moves both ways at once,

so slow it seems to be a wheel.


The tip of My forked tongue teaches wisdom.    

I Am the darting of prophetic tongues, a healing poison,

and you are My mouth, My sacred home.

I Am winged, healing Caduseus,

double-helix mirror, twin snakes of DNA

genetic code, harmony interwoven.

I Am down-to-earth, grounded, basic.

I Am silent, graceful, swift; I can be deadly.

I Am as low as I can go, lover of cracks and splits,

the mate of holes, betrothed to earth.

Curled asleep, or pulsing ecstatic,

I explore My underworld, womb of earth, a guide.

I Am Mistress of Mystery.

Strangely, I take things lying down.


Simple as sanity My 'S,'

sibilant, soothing, rustling like leaves in autumn,

white cobra snow, swaddling the sleeping earth,

restoring sweet soul self,

with strength to rise from silence,

essential snake from the basket of balance,

and start again, singing.

I Am dynamo, well-spring,

poised to spring forth again.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018