
I Am your serpent spine,

designed for sinuous dancing,

curling a lovers’ knot of freedom,

guarding the tree of your life.

Moving meandering in waves,

I rise within you,

bead-mala of chakras,

swaying erect and hooded

to an inner flute.

I Am male/female, self-fertile,

yin/yang interweaving

within the basket of Myself,

Justess and Wisdom

My countless scales.

Self-birthing, self-devouring,


I sacrifice without harm

intimate parts of Myself:

menstrual image of non-violent blood,

fertility, healing, immortality,

creative rebirth perpetual.

I Am timeless,

shedding, lives, worlds, incarnations.

Death lies in tatters,

skin discarded,

wreathing My renewal.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018