
I Am Lilith, the shadow sister.

I Am not captured by a net of lies.

Eve has been confused, co-opted.

I Am the untamed part of Eve

that can never be enslaved.

I grow an owl’s wings

and fly away over the walls of fear.

They say I was Adam’s first wife,

the Rebel who would not be abused.

While men are impotent

with lies and violence,

I Am the frigid whore of dreams

they hate and fear.

I Am fatherless, husband-less,

son-less: whole.

When it becomes possible again,

I shall be the Friend,

the honored Beloved.

No one can be a father

who has forsaken the Mother.

The respect of the future

cannot be stolen.

They say I was expelled

from the garden, outcast,

but the Garden is within Me.

It is not time for My repose.

There is the future to midwife,

Earth's Garden to be reclaimed.

Now it is a desert

where truth is not.

I Am the Tree of Life.

I offer My breasts as apples,

and My fruit is Renewal.

Paradise flies with Me, My cloak,

for My wings are Holy Wisdom.

I Am the healing power

welling from the center of life.

I Am the Mystery before time

at the heart of all.

I create the substance of life

out of My emptiness.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018