Mother of Remedy

I Am Durga.

My breasts are bare.

I Am redress for your most urgent needs.

My foot is raised, knee bent,

dancing in My power,

calm, at peace.


When the little gods fail,

when little demons reign terror,

call on Mighty Durga, cure for all ills.

Inexplicable, I Am the Answer.

What is your question?


Priests in “Durga’ temples

cut off the head of simple nature,

mimicking My sacred,

non-violent womben’s blood.

They smash My ancient feminist culture

of respect and gratitude,

glorifying dominance, war, and waste.

Find courage in truth,

your dancing balance,

grounded in the real

that blooms within you.

Radiant, I Am many-armed, a star!

Let Me light the way

to a future worth living,

for all our precious children.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018