
Like the desert I endure,

One with the wind.

I Am moonlit bones in a bag of skin,

thundering hooves striking sparks,

eating the distance, keeping time,

drumming on the breast of earth.

Like the moon I swell,

pregnant with life, oasis:

love and music and lavish sharing.

My fullness is voluptuous,

a jeweled dance,

undulant, celebrating birth.

Crescent, My teats drip nourishment

(and fermenting fire!)

My mane and tail swish with courage.

My teeth laugh at the memory of want.

Like the moon I wane, wasting away

in the lean times, the hard times,

a famine of sheltering bones,

casting shadows like dunes

in a bag of hide, in desert colors

holding hope alive, even in death.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018