One Love

She comes to me as earth and sea

in Her rich splendor

cornucopia flowing from between Her legs;

variety and wonder, generous and vibrant.

I know Her name is love.


She comes to me in darkness sparking,

in dryness as a tear,

a wellspring in my emptiness,

washing away all fear.

She comes to me in silence as my center,

clear light of meditation guiding me.

I know Her name is love.


She comes to me in moonlight changing,

calling me to change with Her,

urging renunciation and rebirthing.

I know Her name is love.


She comes to me in storms, in a wild wind calling.

She rolls me in Her passionate embrace

too large for beds and houses, tears me free

and dances me in elemental joy.

I know Her name is Love.


Love! the love we make in bed,

rising fragrant, wholesome, bread.

Love a shining star inside,

visioning what we try to hide.

Love we hold a sacred flame:

silent, perfect in Her name.

Love twisting sinuous, a snake,

fearless, joyful for Her sake.


Love sweeps through me in fertile waves of wind,

erodes me, blinds me dusty, whirls me round. 

Love cleaves me naked, shuddering my ground. 

Love pierces me and binds me with Her root.

Love buds in me, and flowers, showers fruit. 

Love mates me, and in Love my life is twinned.


The sun pillows her red head

deep in sweet dark.

(We are that sun!)

The moon fills up the rocking boat,

love’s arms.

(We are that moon!)

The star with many trembling fingers

traces the line where joy meets awe.

We are

the journey just begun,

finding the place

where sun moon stars are one!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018