
I peeled off My clothes, and left them in a heap,

and swam in My river in Virgin delight.

Naughty boys stole My clothes and hid them,

trying to shame Me.

I emerged full of grace,

and the bees swarmed over Me,

covering My nakedness with honeyed gold.

I strolled through the village, shining,

and was met by awe.


I’m the only Aphrodite left

with any soul:

the Afro-Diety,

the ori-gynal One!

My name is Oshun!

I’ve got love and beauty to burn!

I’ve got dawn and morning starlight,

crescent moon and springtime,

all the leading edge of wonder.

I’ve got a light in My calabash,

alluring like a firefly.

I’ve got honey rubbed

on My amber skin, all over,

and spring water dripping

from My black curls

onto your eyelids,

and a mermaid’s tail

to splash when I want to,

and a rainbow shawl,

seven veils for dancing,

and the haunting, taunting

edge of jazz.

I drum on My womb.

Nobody sets My tune.

They reach for it; they yearn for Me;

and I keep the world turning,

by being always delightfully

just out of reach!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018