Peacock Hera

I Am many-eyed Night

awake with Vision,

milky way My trailing tail,

wisdom opening,

folding like a fan.


My tail is more splendid

than My head!

Sweeping through space

My comets trail!

Eyes in the darkness

rise and spread!

My fountain of creation

shall not fail!


(Did you grumble

that the peacock is a male,

the female a timid mousy hen?

Well, think again!


I can fold My cornucopia and rest,

plucking feathers from My breast,

nurturing the female and the male

within My nest.

I Am the interwoven nest of All

in which that bird nestles, nurturing.

I gestate

all on-going creation.

I dream all glory! 

My bright hope will never pale.


Envision Me, Lady

of the sharp beak and talons,

long raven wings shining obsidian,

My fire-opal blood both black and red,

My downy breast, My starry eyes,

My lightness feathers stretching to fly.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018