Persephone Speaks: Dark Moon

I am that I am! 

I am the spiral of my own potential,

the tree of my own will! 

I am the infinity sign of my own mystery,

a writhing can of worms, tickling surprises. 

I am sensual, sexy, queen of the night, yes!

but not a slave to appearances: 

I topple my own pedestal! 

I am the destroyer of appearances,

of safety, of illusions, yet I am paradox: 

I am the elusive beneath illusion:  not this, not this. 

In my deepest darkest nothing, I contain everything. 

The universe is my womb. 

I am change.  I am transformation. 

My destruction contains the seeds of hope and rebirth.


I am Persephone, the Destroyer, but don’t be scared! 

Destruction’s a basic part of life.  

It a very loving role to bring the end at the right time,

to make room for the new. 

It makes room for surprises and growth:  try it!

Come visit me, and let me guide you on this journey. 

I am the comforter of souls. 

No sparrow falls but I...

catch it gently in my dark hand. 

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018