
“She is alive in us;

we are alive in Her.”

Everything is sacred.

But in a world

where nothing is sacred,

where does renewal start?

We start

between the legs of womban,

place where male and female

are equal, twin,

gestated in health and love,

and born in sacrifice and joy:

holy of holies: that place.

Whumbans knew that shrine

for eons of embedded sanity.

To deny the beauty, meaning,

truth of Divine/Real genital Origen

is dualism, alienation, brokenness,

false, mad, split-mind, despair.

Healing is to be found

in Mystery, the Source,

accessed through blessing

the sacred space,

creative peace within the Cosmic Womb..

There is only one sacred site on earth,

still where it’s always been:

inviolate, wholesome, pure, beautiful,

between the legs of womban, safe

in rich, red Mystery.

The dark of the moon, our teacher,

turns always, inexorably,

toward hope, toward Transformation,

towards healing and new beginning.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018