
Womben go through

a process of renewal.

It’s hard to stop them from doing that,

though all of patriarchy’s institutions

try to shame their cycles,

try to lock them down.

Unstoppable, Goddesses

go through cycles

of transformation, renewing all.

Womben experience goddess-nature

by opening, sharing

those timeless healing cyclic changes.

Feeling icky-sticky? Good!

It's a real, true,

goddess/womban way to feel.

Give thanks to Her

for the choice and power

of pro-creativity!

Between a womban’s legs

is as good as it gets. Period.


Always Her power

begins in the imagination:

ovulation, cross-fertilization,

conception, gestation,

birth, nurturing, growth,

relationship, transformation.

Again, again, forever:

it becomes real;

it becomes beautiful;

it becomes true.


Men fear

they will become womanish

or rejected by men,

or tormented by men,

if they open

to a process of renewal,

if they open to feeling,

if they open to mystery.

It might involve tears!

Or tearing!

What shall transform

this ungrateful fear,

this emptiness,

but She? Her Beauty

calling forth in all of us

the fierce courage to Be!


At the worst, I feel so trapped,

there’s nothing I can do

but be here, now:

letting the future and the past

find refuge, healing, hope

in me. At the best,

I live in thanks, alive in Her,

knowing Her to be alive in me.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018