
Higher than eagles fly!

Specks in spring's evening sky:

wind-playing wings

waver a ululation:

his feathers sing,

mating call, mating dance.

Snipe, when the time is ripe,

in celebration!


She will fall when She must

in the light of Her glory.

Thank you for helping Her tell Her own story.

She will lose what She must.

She will heal what She can.

Thank you for being Her right-hand man.

She will fall in Her time.

She will fill Her own need.

Thank you for helping Her plant Her own seed.

She will let it all go,

the lost evening star.

Thank you for following Her from afar.

Thank you for letting Her wane in your heart.

Thank you for letting Her wax Her full part.

In peace it is written, bold hope in the sky.

Thank you for being Her hero, Her guy!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018