
I Am Sheila-Na-Gig, jig-dancing,

Irish gate-goddess of the sacred yoni.

I Am grinning, grimacing

(not grim or menacing)

frog-faced, in frog-position,

open, holding My cunt open

with both hands,

a womban giving birth,

risking Myself every day

to give the future life.


My entrancing image

is holy entry,

entrance to a shrine,

placed in sacred doorways,

mezuzah, container of wisdom's hope,

meant to be touched, touched to the lips,

reverently kissed.

When prurient puritans smashed My icons,

those who loved Me

saved some images

by burying them

in suddenly hallowed ground.


I Am the lost, buried Goddess

of the desecrated temple:

Scarlet Harlot, Hell-Hole, Healer.

I Am Welcome, tempting, seducing,

commanding you

to enter between My legs, My lips,

into the sacred gates of birth and death,

partaking of My Mysteries.

When will you open to thank Me, respect Me,

to kiss My sleeping beauty awake again?


Celtic Mother of 10,000 welcomes, Ceilidh,

I Am Myself the door, the temple,

primal shrine, the Source, Origin,

gen/eros sheiling of shelter and renewal.

My Welcome is shared with love

by those with room within

to embrace the reality of others,

mothers of all humans.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018