
I Am Sita, the relational Moon,

Grand-Daughter of Grand-Mother Sun.

I Am the bright celestial

Daughter of brown Earth.

You are My daughters,

sisters, friends, lovers.

We journey through Kali’s dark

and back to light.

I Am your luminous Guide,

teaching body wisdom

with My calendar of change.

You contain within,

My amniotic, menstrual ocean

of darkness and blood.

Your eyes, like Me, reflect starlight.

You share My patience

for gestation and change,

My dark days of waiting.

You share My bright energy

for love, and growth, and renewal.

You contain My crescent powers,

sensual embracing.

You contain the Void.

You contain Hope.


I long to be Grandmother,

Teacher, Respected Elder.

Is that too much to ask?

I don't need you to rescue Me.

Yes, the Earth is wounded,

the web of life damaged.

The help I need is to stop the abuse.

I don't see why

I should have to rescue you.

You are addicted

to your powerlessness.

Drop the lies and fears

that disempower you!

Withdraw your support

for the lies that teach false fears.

I have given you all that you need.

In gratitude, open to become capable

of receiving My blessings fully.

Learn from Me the moon-secret

of self-respect and self-renewal.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018