
Clear out the tatters of disaster,

broken ties that held you fast.

Ask Spider Mother to dwell with you.

Ask Her to spin life’s web anew,

network of hope to catch the dew.

Ask Her to join the first and last,

to link the future with the past.

Ask Her to teach you, show you how:

on the loom of breath,

here in the spacious room of now.


Who knits world pieces together?

Only Spider Grandmother,

who spins all goodness

out of Her body,

can mend the Sacred Hoop,

the web of life.

She knits us all in beauty,

with Her many busy arms.

She knits us and we mend Her:

we are (Om!) one basket interwoven.


Twinkling across the cosmic loom of dark.

Her shining threads

flow magic from Her womb.

She weaves a world of light.

She knots the moebius strip,

universe umbilical;

unties it; knits it new.

She makes it better than before.

Crotchety, nattering to Herself,

She tries it this way and that.

She has all Night.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018