Spiral Down Under

It had to happen, one way or another,

that primordial earthing of My power.

Earth-dance is the most intense

experience I've ever had.

It's a heavy responsibility being earth. 

It changed Me:

the imploded conflagration of the center,

molten solar-plexus humming,

Om of deepest being, stones singing.

I feel so stifled,

I have to get out of here!

Volcano's a peek

at how repressed I feel,

lava tai chi to calm Myself,

isometric exercise of rock compressing.

I feel compelled to squeeze Myself

into diamonds while I'm here!

Sensuous tongues of water carve Me,

freezing, scalding, shattering Me.

My fine skin of earth:

dark and rich and warm, composting,

decaying into sweetness, redolent,

tickled by worms wriggling,

by rippling atmosphere.

Somehow a field of daisies

is not My style.

I love to feel the roots probing,

but once I bust out,

I'm the wind, scattering petals.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018