The Eagle’s Song

How big is the hole in the blind you call mind?

Does what you call sight include insight?

Does it see light as delight?

Can you see where morning starts and night ends?

Can you see through false friends?

Can you see a star as sun?

See light years flashing by?

Can you see yourself as sky,

see your self that vast?

When you see a star,

can you see far enough to make a wish?

Can you see the moon whole in all its phases,

see your self whole, more than a sum of parts?

Can you see your way clear to love?

Can you see the Now, expanded (wide periphery)

including future and past?

Can you look

through the torn retina of the ozone hole

to see a future here on earth?

Can you see a point of view besides your own?

Can you encompass the whole earth in blessing?

Can you see it dance?

Can you see farther together than alone?

When you look at the sea, how deep do you see?

Can you fold your wings to plummet

straight through the crack between the worlds

to seize an image of wisdom

wriggling living as a fish?

When you look at Me,

do you see your own winged self?

Can you meet My piercing talonned gaze?

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018