Three Hares

Nested inside the circle moon,

triangle cuts 3 rabbit ears,

joke celebrating fertility:

three racing, chasing running feet

of triune cycling.


Feminine triangle of origin

nests within the Great (Womb) Round,

Moon of re-birthing,

framed by crescent rabbit ears

(three ears shared by three rabbits

running, two ears for each!)

O Great Self-chasing, Ever-renewing Moon,

One, centered within the Trinity

of Fertile changing Mystery.


(Two straight crossed sticks drawing, quartering,

won't fit the puzzle moon,

fractions the wrong answer

to the Riddle of Wholeness.)

The archaic symbol,

female genital triangle,

nested in the mother moon,

cuts three chords, phallic frame,

generative, gen-eros, genuine.


Three straight sticks close space up tight, a hug,

female pubic triangle of origin,

nested triune within the Mandala Moon,

framed by three puzzling shapes,

nail-clipped, quick,

not curved like sickle moons,

but looking more

like fertile rabbits' ears!


Three invisible white hares

sharing three ears (two for each!)

chase each other ‘round the moon's

round edge of change,

eternal cycling race

of life's Great Round.

symbol of hope re-birthing,

braiding Her spiral energy,

Renewal's Source, Trinity of Mystery.


In the cauldron moon, Goddess womb,

hares and their shared ears stir

the milky nectar 'elixir

of immortality.'

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018