Tree of Life

I Am the Semitic Asherah, Astarte.

I fell as Star Maiden

to become the Tree of Life,

symbol of My living body the earth,

rivers and streams a flowing tree.

My branches embrace air and sun. 

My roots embrace earth and water.

My roots mirror My branches,

radiating energy

of life balanced by death.

Groves were My temples:

My rain forest! 

My beautiful irreplaceable species!

I Am felled. I Am fallen.

Ingratitude shreds Me to pulp, to sawdust!

Do you think you can kill all life?

My sacred heart transmutes all

to the fire of life,

burning death into rebirth.

I Am the apple tree of immortality.

Mother and Lover, My breast is My fruit.

Lost in the self-abuse of disrespect,

up-rooting My indestructible Tree of Life

within yourselves,

you try to fill the illusion

of the black hole

of My abcessed absence

with addictions.                      

You have destroyed My temples everywhere,

but your body is still My temple,

however desecrated and despised.

Your veins, and the veins on the placenta,

reflect My branches and roots.

I flow through you!

I Am the radiant force of life!

Your heart is My altar. Your spine is My trunk:

My snake is your spinal cord, guarding the chakras.

Your hands are My twigs. You are My hands!

To share My green and growing joy,

drop shame, choose gratitude,

and call My name!


© Tamara Rasmussen 2018