
Fertile, ever-changing Source reconciles duality.

Light/dark, male/female become One-in-Three:

healing cycles: life/death/rebirth,

hope for the future of the race,

invitation to change and sharing,

safe in the cosmic womb,

round mother-body of Love.


We of the opposable thumb,

grasping a stick we doodle in sand.

We are the dabblers, marking for making’s sake.

We draw a circle: Source!

Wellspring! A breast with centered tit!

A cross, an x, meander snaking,

wave, a spiral coiled:

Symbols of infinite, eternal,

ever-changing, self-renewing One:

We draw our hope. Five-finger exercise:

playing we learn to work,

Laughing we learn to sing

and slowly learn to speak.

Listening to our hearts we drum.

Listening to our hearts we love:

loving we give thanks for bountiful life,

blessings that shower us with nurturing.


Thanking the Mother of All, we revere womben,

who contain the source, who contain the Void,

womben, who contain the goal,

the orchestrated whole.

Thanking the bright Full Moon, Mother of All

we cherish young and old, both so close, tangent,

to Her dark side, Her hidden ground.


The ancients knew

there would be times like these

enslaved by fear and ignorance,

(O Star-lit Drinking Gourd!)

when only myth can lead us home.


Deep caverns where rivers run,


making no sound, hidden from sun.

Sources and centers low:

the well-springs from which flow

the world around.

A cave and firelight, shadows on the wall.

Paintings catch the magic shapes

but then the shadows fall, the dancers fall.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018