Weaving Patterns of Wisdom

II  things that go along together always close but never touching,

each on their own path, companions: friends, sisters and brothers

wwwww patterns that repeat themselves endlessly, cycles, waves

@  things that grow out from a center, blossoming from a bud,

the spiral of never-ending-ness, open-ended like thought, time and space

()   things that get closer together and further apart, like lovers, families, conversations

<>  things that open wide for a while and close again, like eyes and lives


Runes: Gifts of the 13 Crones

O the Source and Origen (openness, fearlessness before the Source in all Her forms)   

V, X, A and the triangle as Her sacred Vulva

Y, T the sacred Tri Via, the meeting of the three, the Trinity, the Tree

W, M, N, Z the wave of never-ending-ness and energy

8 infinity, eternity

U as Chalice, sacred container, crescent lunar horns of change, paradox

C vision (seeing, embracing Mystery with the sixth sense)

I   Let your individual identity channel the Universal Unity, the One.

@ the deathless spiral of open-ended growth and flowering

B the free-flowing breasts of abundance, fierce caring and nurturing

Q the animal world with its tail waving

* the Source of many-armed energy, the Star, asterisk

+ choice, the crossroads

= balance

S the snake of immortality, movement, flowing in Her dance

G the rocking nurturing lap of the Mother, Her Cosmic Mystery

D pleasure, the delights of the senses

M work and love, waking and sleeping, male and female

A, grounded-ness, non-harm, non-violence, gentleness, abundance


May I scratch in the sand with my dying fingers:

impermanent symbols not of a hope for permanence,

but of thanks for Her eternal immanence.


This hard reed bent in the breeze

before I cut it

with whet-stoned obsidian blade

and pressed cunieform runes

in soft clay, hard as rock

until I ground it

fine as fate

between millstones,

and kneaded it like bread,

wet with tears

from my hard head.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018