
Infant, scanning mother’s love-beam face,

learns to love symmetry:

two eyes, two nostrils, one mouth

opening up and down, with teeth,  

two breasts, fountains of nurturing.

Soon one Sun, glory too fierce for gaze, glorious days,

two eyelids’ blessed sheltering, dark sleep.

Delight in fingers, hands, one self,

two wiggly 5-toed feet not far away,

our body-holes, our world to explore:

sex not yet denied, gender not split in two, still whole!

no ‘selfishness,’ no shame, blame, guilt, no lies,

no man-made fears, nor alienation’s pain,

no patriarchy causing fear for gain.


She is One (or any natural two free of duality)

and She is flowing, generative trinity.

She is sand-painting of four colors, four directions,

sweet caress of five fingers,

honeyed hexagons, dancing snow-flakes,

seven chakras harmonizing health,

seven continents desperate for peace:

jig-saw puzzle, one broken heart,

eight-fold path mindfully breathing,

nine planets whirling ‘round

one always-mothering sun,

ten toes for treading tenderly, tentative,

upon one nurturing earth:

balance on the only solid ground:

infinite changing life.

The joyful dance of our Re-Unity

has just begun: the sum of all is Trinity, is One.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018