
Child before language, strange child seeing

burning eye of sun: open/shut, open/shut;

soothing orb of moon, puzzle pieces,

faithful, taking turns, dancing in turns,

in comforting renewal, life beyond death,

giving hope: return, returning.

Child before language, silent wonder,

mouth, eye, ear round as a moon,

open to raindrops, open to snowflakes,

child in stillness waiting for the sun to rise and set,

for winking morning and evening star,

waiting for the moon to wake and sleep,

waiting for the moon to wane and grow,

for the tide to ebb and flow,

watching the moon break and mend on the water,

listening to the waves,

listening to the silence of the moon

singing Her song of hope.

Silent child with open eyes, ears open,

open arms, mouth singing!

White rabbits kiss his gentle moonlit hands.


Child with a stick on white snow, white sand, 

drawing the perfect round of the moon.

Wise child, gentle child,

lay down the counting, measuring sticks,


(Words, words, words can hurt you.)

Stare again into the mother-face,

fertile moon, dark womb of stars.

Open again to wordless wonder!

Open to the Journey just begun!

Open, open, to your center,

one with the changing One!


© Tamara Rasmussen 2018
