
There is no peace without Her!

How to make the world new? 

Where to start?

We all begin in sacred space

between the legs

of the Wombear(er),

a cuddly place,

universal, original, origenital,

cauldron of becoming. 

To begin,

return to Mystery,

the Mother, Origen.

Repect the dark wet

cave of transformation,

womb and tomb,

the Mystery we die to,

humble place that saves all,

where we are born

again, again,

at peace with nature,

with our own nature.


Ancient mothers visioned


as lair, a bear

with teats and claws and teeth,


as cosmic dove nesting a cosmic egg,

womb of becoming.


How to heal from the wound

of disrespect?

Go back to the Source,

to Mystery


with thanks.

Face your man-made fears

and laugh!

Why fear Goddess-Nature

in all Her masks and faces,

in all Her gifts of wonder?

Welcome Her and honor Her:


courage and change!


Hold the future in your empty womb.

Give the healing vision room.

Nurture Justess; nourish peace.

Create the world where wars will cease.

Give birth to hope!  Avert our doom.

Conceive the future in your empty womb!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018