
African sacred twins support the king’s stool:

male and female strong together

holding up the sky: two wings

on which the human race

must fly to God (so say the Bahai)

yin/yang, each containing each, animus and anima,

sacred marriage within each one,

allowing faithful love, monogamy.

I know two can be true. I know I can be true to you!

How sweet.  I have tasted the sweetness

of that balance of separate realities, cross-fertilizing,

and yet....It is a king that sits on that stool.

It is a male judgmental god they fly to.

It is Jung or Freud or the Pope

(misogynists!) who says so.

I know justness, not ‘equality’

is the gift of life and love

through woman to man.

Patriarchy has stolen the gift

and made it a tool of oppression, a lie.

I know that all children

continue to be born wonderful,

and love and beauty and forgiveness

spring eternal,

and certain individuals, always

rise above and dive deep below

the prevailing cultural toxicity

to find and radiate an inner harmony.


Today each dollar has its own vote,

and there is no justice or ‘democracy'

in that cruel distribution,

that hateful dis-conomy.

If you believe god sits in the sky atop

a pyramid of trumpish power: STOP!

It's a slippery slope to 'hell,'

and down is dirty

(uphill battle once you're thirty.)

We're all unsaved, unsavory,

flawed, even a flower.

Need some hope and sanity?

Let go all that hypocrisy! and trust

the humble gifts of dust to dust.

Goddess as Trinity

models an openness in you and me,

defends our open ends. Drop greed.

Dona, Giver of All, warts and all,

is good, is all we need.

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018