Escape Duality

Mexican coconut mask

Mexican coconut mask

Goddesses “Dark’ and ‘Bright’?

Captive Mary, Virgin/Mother,


dynamic circuit energy,

forbidden to join father and son

in trinity

as mother or as holy ghost,

forbidden to be Crone,

to own Her ‘witch.’

Erotic Shakti,


has it all!

The spinning Moon is Three

changing freely in Her Mystery.

Crescent, Full of Brightness, Dark,

She plays mirror games of waxing, waning.

Every living mother knows

dark gestation, bright hope,

and all the colors of love.

Breath is motion and emotion,

balancing in and out,


and warp and weft,

She/I, right/left,

giving back the gift, receiving

new life, new life, with thanks.

We are womb-weavers

of never and ever,

and ours the power

(anathema) to sever.


She is All and One:

two sides of one leaf,

joy/grief, day/night, life/death:

inter-locked puzzle: you and me...

Arise! Take freedom back!

We’re wings of butterflies!

We are two eyes waking

on earth: this paradise! Surprise!

Like birds, two wings

in unity, community,

flock with one mind.

In harmony, we will fly free.


Why deny

the latent power of the Night,

and the fierce realities

that balance living breath?

Patriarchy is 'why,' fearful, be-lying

all the wisdom that's always been

that honored Change,

deep, central, healing, Feminine. 


Pray for nothing more or less

than the grace to thank Her

for this complex reality

that blesses us,

even in our pain and loss, aging, and death.

© Tamara Rasmussen 201