Red Devi

I Am Durga!

Men say I beheaded the buffalo demon

(to save your world)

and the god sprang out from the bloody neck.

They are jealous of My non-violent womb-blood!

Acting demonic, they imagine demons.

The uterus is shaped like a cow’s head (bucranium)

with fallopian tubes for ears.

I Am the Sacred Cow.

My udders flow with nurturing (My Milky Way!)

Cow, bull, buffalo have crescent horns mirroring

the hopeful curve of the young moon,

bringing rebirth of light from dark,

bringing healing cycles of renewal

out of sorrow, loss and death.

My Moon head is horned,

growing from dark, waning from light.


Mine is the cradle and the lullaby of the spheres,

and mine the blood of birthing!

My fierce teeth cut the umbilical cord with love.

My many arms fan a peacock’s tail of beauty.

I hold the symbols of My power for life:

bell, lotus, chalice, flame.

These are not weapons!

My sword wields discernment,

cutting through lies,

through ignorance and ingratitude.

Let it cut you clear!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018