Virgin Wilderness

Colonized territory between our legs!

(5000 years ago these nations,

deceived in slavery and fear...)

Now reclaim body/mind as a continent.

Make no mistake this time.

Return to the womb,

the basket, cornucopia, horn of plenty.

Begin again

with healed, safe, fierce spaces,

nested, concentric spiraling circles

of Justess, beauty, sanity,

protected by the authority

of the authors of life.

Fearless from this center dance

an exploration of balance

risked, regained,

held loved in a womb-like cosmos,

spider-woven beyond death.

Everything, everyone sacred spaces,

treasured charged particles,

sacred puzzle parts

of a diamond-shining dancing Whole.


reclaimed territory between our legs

restored to unfenced love-defended

virginal wilderness of respect!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018